The Navigate Project Partnership

We are proud to partner with schools and programs from across the country to authentically co-create tools and resources that support motivationally-supportive advising and learning environments for students. The Navigate Project and our partners are particularly focused on improving postsecondary outcomes for those from historically marginalized and underserved groups, including Black, Latine, and Indigenous students, as well as first-generation students and students from low-income households. Learn about our network partners and the tools and resources our partners have access to below.

Are you interested in exploring a partnership with The Navigate Project? Please fill out the form linked here.

Projects & Events

The Navigator Toolkit

The Navigator Toolkit is an online repository of resources designed to support postsecondary advising practitioners in identifying ways to implement growth mindset, purpose and relevance, and sense of belonging (Mindset GPS) practices into programming. 

We have heard a desire among advisors to acquire resources that increase student motivation as students build their postsecondary plans. We also recognize the need for those advisors to have access to resources that have been vetted and aligned to Mindset GPS. The Navigate Project seeks to bridge evidence-based, motivationally supportive practices with programming, providing essential resources educators can feel confident leveraging. 

Our hope is when there is a desire to support students with learning mindset supportive practices and messages The Navigator Toolkit will be a platform practitioners can leverage to help inform their advising practices and programming.

Learn more about The Navigator Toolkit here.


Annual Fall Convening

The Navigate Project team brings program partners and researchers together to build a community of advising practitioners who understand how to leverage mindset supportive practices. We believe our programs, practitioners, and researchers have both the agency and moral imperative to support all students to achieve their postsecondary goals, especially students from historically marginalized groups. We understand we serve a diverse population of partners across a variety of facets and are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion as we support our partners on their journey to best serve their students. 

Learn more about The Navigate Project’s 4th Annual Fall Convening here.


Learning Mindset Assessment Rubric

The Learning Mindset Assessment Rubric is The Navigate Project’s tool for postsecondary advising programs and schools to gather input on how effectively they support students’ learning mindsets during the transition to postsecondary contexts. This tool provides a snapshot of learning mindset supportive practices in action. This implementation aims to solicit input from multiple perspectives, including students and important program stakeholders, and gain insights into questions such as:

  • How do students' and adults’ perspectives on students’ experiences align or differ?

  • Where are we successfully promoting students’ learning mindsets?

  • What are the most promising opportunities for us to support students even more?


Motivating Futures Course

The Motivating Futures Course is a hands-on course that equips postsecondary advising practitioners with motivationally-supportive tools and language designed to prepare students for postsecondary transitions. Participants will learn how to support students in developing adaptive beliefs about their postsecondary pathway plans. In particular, participants will learn about three key learning mindsets—Growth Mindset, Purpose & Relevance, and Sense of Belonging, which we organize into an acronym: Mindset GPS. This course will allow participants to workshop advising strategies for leveraging these mindsets in a way that promotes equity while being customized to participants' interactions with students, advising methods, and communication styles.


Professional Learning Communities

The Navigate Project team invites our partners to participate in a recurring series focused on building community and strengthening the implementation of learning mindset-supportive practices within their program structures. Professional Learning Communities are a unique opportunity for Navigate Project partners to collaborate with peer organizations to address real-time challenges and opportunities that come with implementing learning mindset supportive practices. Topics and content within PLCs at the Navigate Project will have a particular focus on students from historically marginalized groups, particularly Black, Latine, and Indigenous students and/or students from low SES households.

Topics have included: Affecting Advising Practices, Progressive Pathways, Social Capital Building, and Organizational Leadership Influence.

Our Partners

Bottom Line’s mission is to help first-generation students from low-income backgrounds get into college, graduate from college, and go far in life.Website

Bottom Line’s mission is to help first-generation students from low-income backgrounds get into college, graduate from college, and go far in life.


IDEA Public Schools prepares students from underserved communities for success in college and citizenship.Website

IDEA Public Schools prepares students from underserved communities for success in college and citizenship.


Our core purpose is to create a revolutionary new school model in order to prepare all students for postsecondary success and world-changing endeavors and provide the education community with a roadmap to sustainable implementation.Website

Our core purpose is to create a revolutionary new school model in order to prepare all students for postsecondary success and world-changing endeavors and provide the education community with a roadmap to sustainable implementation.


The mission of KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools is to equip students with the academic skills, scholarly habits, and character traits necessary to be successful in top quality colleges and the competitive world beyond.Website

The mission of KIPP Metro Atlanta Schools is to equip students with the academic skills, scholarly habits, and character traits necessary to be successful in top quality colleges and the competitive world beyond.


Our mission is to deliver on the promise of equal educational opportunity for all of America’s children. We know that every child—regardless of race, zip code or economic status—deserves access to great schools.

Our mission is to deliver on the promise of equal educational opportunity for all of America’s children. We know that every child—regardless of race, zip code or economic status—deserves access to great schools. At Achievement First, our students realize their potential and develop the skills they need to graduate from college, succeed in a competitive world, and serve as the next generation of leaders in our community.


Our aim is to increase the number of students who are Black, Latinx, Indigenous or from low-income backgrounds who apply, enroll and ultimately go to schools they are most likely to graduate from.


iMentor builds mentoring relationships that empower first-generation students to graduate high school, succeed in college, and achieve their ambitions.


Next Level NOLA equips fellows with the skills, mindsets, resources, networks and experiences needed to achieve their chosen college, career and life goals.


Propel empowers young adults with the skills, credentials, experiences, and networks necessary to obtain a good job with opportunities for advancement and higher education.


Noble is a catalyst for educational equity in Chicago that empowers students with the scholarship, discipline, and honor necessary to succeed in college and lead exemplary lives.Website

Noble is a catalyst for educational equity in Chicago that empowers students with the scholarship, discipline, and honor necessary to succeed in college and lead exemplary lives.


We believe that our country’s next generation of leaders will emerge from everywhere, but they need a talent strategy that matches them in strength and diversity. We envision hundreds of thousands of diverse leaders-in-the-making prepared to access and thrive in strong first jobs after college graduation.


We uniquely select, train, and mentor academically ambitious students from under-resourced communities to complete college and become the next generation of leaders who will transform their neighborhoods and our city.


To empower students, particularly those who have experienced significant adversity, including involvement or risk of involvement in child welfare and/or other social service systems with the requisite academic, social, emotional, and life skills to be successful in college, career, and community. In addition, we aim to create an outstanding school that attracts, supports, and retains exceptional and caring people.


nXu is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to catalyze and equip youth and adults to explore, articulate, and pursue their purpose.


YES Prep Public Schools will increase the number of students from underserved communities who graduate from college prepared to lead.


OneGoal’s mission is to close the degree divide in America.Website

OneGoal’s mission is to close the degree divide in America.


BREAKING THE CYCLE OF POVERTY THROUGH FAITH-BASED EDUCATION. Our members believe they are stronger together as a coalition than they are as a single school. As member schools learn and inform new ways to flourish in communities across the U.S. and Canada, their leaders inspire, equip, and compel one another with mission-aligned support and accountability to effectively deliver on their mission.


OneFuture Coachella Valley exists to ensure all students succeed in college, career and life — expanding and enhancing the local workforce so that our youth and economy thrive.


The mission of The Urban Assembly is to advance students' economic and social mobility by improving public education.


Uncommon Schools operates outstanding urban public schools that close the achievement gap and prepare students from low-income communities to graduate from college.


Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
