We tackle real-world challenges
At Motivate Lab, we believe that research is just the beginning. Our ultimate goal is to use our insights to solve real problems and improve people's lives. We collaborate with teachers, school systems, and government agencies to address some of their biggest challenges.
Tennessee’s goal is for 55% of adults to obtain a post-secondary degree, but students face challenges to graduation. Value for learning is an important predictor of student persistence and achievement, but based on responses from students enrolled in co-requisite courses in Tennessee, a lack of value is one obstacle preventing post-secondary students from persisting and being successful through their first year of college.
Currently 1 in 4 students drop out of higher education across Georgia. Drop-out rates exceed 35% for state universities and 50% for two-year colleges. Furthermore, underrepresented and low-income students have disproportionally low graduation rates. Without driving enrollment and graduation rates higher, the workforce skills gap will continue to widen.
The transition from middle school into high school is a critical period for future academic success for rising ninth grade students. During this time period, students - especially those from historically disadvantaged and underrepresented groups - may question whether or not they belong in the school environment.